pockmarked and disregarded; an apple in a world of glossy food photographs.
Food passion or food fashion?..In a week of focusing on the 2013 Zero Food Waste Week,
there will be many angles from which to see the way our ingrained
appetites affect our impacting waste environment; and enlarging
Tradition rides on the back of hunger,
and as historical observers can attest, waves of famines have carried
poor nutritional habits to perdition. The most notable in the last
centuries being Ireland and Darfur, passing by Biaffra. For every
mother who has ever invoked the sight of bony starvelings to induce
her children to happily taste their fare, there is a larger truth
behind the despair of food waste.
Those reading from a conveniently
located screen may have to use imagination to feel the full weight of
near starvation. Several agricultural movements have imbalanced food
production since global trading began. Larger, more powerful means of
cultivation and transportation made it too easy to manipulate the
For millenia, middlemen have conspired
to speed up growth and containment of food distribution. I obtain
sugar from Hawaii, cloves from Zanzibar or vanilla purely extracted
of Jamaican beans..how exotic! Recipes goad me to use more of each,
more of every ingredient at each social turn of event. Spice of life
means raking, prodding earth and utilizing distant resources, human
and otherwise. I can' t lose one single gram of these precious
commodities. That's sacrilegious!
Foodies are the new gourmets, they have
brought culinary arts to the doorstep of every reader of cuisine
blogs. Digital photography has enhanced saliva secretion over wide
publications across the entire planet. I am sure there is a Jivaro,
right now, sitting in a hammock under a thatch roof, thumbing through
delicious shots of head cheese on pickled
grape leaves from Greece, elegantly displayed on silver platters.
Satellite communications disregard
political frontiers to the point of elevating expectations in any
random area. Discontent rises with technological progress. Grandma
grumbles when dial-up slows down her new recipe download. Neighbors
find better cookie patterns. Teachers make funnier faces on their
weekly cupcakes. Food fashion is out of control...and who's gonna
clean up the mess? I mean THE mess. Shipping miles, oil spills,
mechanical problems, trucker's motel bills, somebody's gotta pay for
all that. Somebody' s gonna get hungry for that.
Ask any kid in lunch line if he knows
where his food is coming from and you won't need to switch on the
comedy channel for a month. His parents are so alienated from the
farmers, packers or milkers that it' s very easy for him to chuck the
food in the bin. Oh the waste! Where is Darfur again? Oh yeah, I
forgot, children starve there, the school holds a subscription to
National Geographic; so I am aware.
Food waste is not just about hunger, it
is about the damaging attitudes growing as fast as mold around us.
It is not the half bun, the bread crust or the apple with one bite
out of it sticking out of the lunch box. It is about the lack of
pleasure in the face of the child. It' s about the disgust in the
adult's eye in the cereal aisle. How about the sadness in my eye when
I pass what should be fresh and local foods, now imprisoned under
plastic wrap with cartoon figures winking at short wailing beggars
from the shopping basket seat.
Time to give credit to my own, I've
never had to poke or prod mine to clean their plates, they left very
little reason to wash dishes at all. No matter what was served
straight from garden or desert. OK, the burnt meat did not pass the
test, how could I ever forget that? and one still doesn't like
watermelon. But I do..no waste here!
The problem is that school lunch food is disgusting. It's processed, made with cheap ingredients and has too much sugar and salt. Kids would be better off bringing their lunches to school; they would probably be less waste.